Tactics Crash Course for Seniors (60+)


Class 1 Geometric Motifs: Knights Forks
Class 2 Geometric Motifs: Files & Diagonals
Class 3 Back Rank Mates
Class 4 H-file Mates
Class 5 Overworked pieces
Class 6 Under-protected pieces
Class 7 Passed Pawns
Class 8 Passed Pawns (contd.)
Class 9 Stalemates
Class 10 Quiz

This is a course for players with a solid chess foundation- they know the rules
and are able to play a full game of chess.

The course aims to take the student to the next level in their game. Each class will begin with a short lecture on the tactical theme of the day. The meat of the classes will consist of solving progressively difficult tactics puzzles with instructor assistance. Various thinking methods and observations will be provided to help the students arrive at the answers.

As part of the package, students will be given access to the course material (lectures and puzzles) in lichess, as well as homework puzzles for each class.

This is a GROUP COURSE with a maximum of 15 participants. Each class will have 2 MASTERS present for the whole class.

  • COURSE DURATION: 10 weeks (1 lesson/week)
  • DELIVERY: Zoom + Lichess (Participants will need to create a free lichess.org account)
  • COST: $200 for a full course. (Venmo, Zelle, Paypal, etc.)

Students may purchase the first-class separately as a trial run for $20. After that students must pay the balance of $180 and commit to the full course.
No refunds provided